getLoadedProductCollection(); /** @var \Magento\Catalog\Helper\Output $_helper */ $_helper = $block->getData('outputHelper'); ?> count()): ?>
escapeHtml(__('We can\'t find products matching the selection.')) ?>
getToolbarHtml() ?> getAdditionalHtml() ?> getMode() === 'grid') { $viewMode = 'grid'; $imageDisplayArea = 'category_page_grid'; $showDescription = false; $templateType = \Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ReviewRendererInterface::SHORT_VIEW; } else { $viewMode = 'list'; $imageDisplayArea = 'category_page_list'; $showDescription = true; $templateType = \Magento\Catalog\Block\Product\ReviewRendererInterface::FULL_VIEW; } /** * Position for actions regarding image size changing in vde if needed */ $pos = $block->getPositioned(); ?>
    getBynderMultiImg())) { $BynderImage = json_decode($_product->getBynderMultiImg(), true); foreach ($BynderImage as $imageData) { if ($imageData['item_type'] == 'IMAGE') { if (isset($imageData['image_role'])) { foreach ($imageData['image_role'] as $imgroll) { if ($imgroll == 'Small') { $baseImage = $imageData['item_url']; } } } } } }?>
  1. getImage($_product, $imageDisplayArea); if ($pos != null) { $position = 'left:' . $productImage->getWidth() . 'px;' . 'top:' . $productImage->getHeight() . 'px;'; } } //$productImage = $block->getImage($_product, $imageDisplayArea); ?> toHtml() ?>
    stripTags($_product->getName(), null, true); ?> productAttribute($_product, $_product->getName(), 'name')?> getReviewsSummaryHtml($_product, $templateType) ?> getProductPrice($_product) ?> getProductDetailsHtml($_product) ?>
    isSaleable()):?> getAddToCartPostParams($_product); ?>
    get(\Magento\Catalog\Model\Product\Option::class); $options = $option->getProductOptionCollection($_product); ?> getBlockHtml('formkey') ?>
    escapeHtml(__('In stock')) ?>
    escapeHtml(__('Out of stock')) ?>
    renderStyleAsTag( $position, 'product-item-info_' . $_product->getId() . ' div.actions-primary' ) : '' ?>
    getChildBlock('addto')): ?> setProduct($_product)->getChildHtml() ?>
    renderStyleAsTag( $position, 'product-item-info_' . $_product->getId() . ' div.actions-secondary' ) : '' ?>
    productAttribute( $_product, $_product->getShortDescription(), 'short_description' ) ?> escapeHtml(__('Learn More')) ?>
    renderStyleAsTag( $position, 'product-item-info_' . $_product->getId() . ' div.product-item-actions' ) : '' ?>
getChildBlock('toolbar')->setIsBottom(true)->toHtml() ?>